Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's been awhile since I've been on here.....
Well the past few weeks have been crazy busy. I am in a band called Eternal City and we did an outreach last weekend. One hundred and fifty people were saved! Praise the Lord. It was a fun experience for me. At this time I also am helping lead worship at my church. It is such a great church and to be apart of the worship team is awesome! I feel so blessed to be able to lead others into the place of ultimate worship and praise before the throne of our king!!

So now that I caught you all up, I would love to share a little bit about my day. Do you ever wake up and head to work thinking, ok, just make it through the day.... Well that was me this morning. I barely had a voice as I headed off to work. I work with preschoolers so it is imperative to have a voice! It was a long day and I had a few hours left and all of a sudden I turned around to see my brother Joshua standing in the doorway with something in his hand. Immediatly my heart became happy and refreshed to see him! It's always nice to have unexpected visitors. He brought me a super yummy cookie. God just showed me through my brother today how much God himself wants to lavish his love upon me! Just as a brother, mother, boyfriend, husband display in different ways acts of thoughtfulness and love how much more does our heavenly father/lover want to shower us with amazing, thoughtful acts of kindness! Thanks Josh for the cookie:) It was great and your visit made my day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Beth! You did a great job singing with us last weekend, thank you for all you hard work
