Saturday, August 21, 2010

Garage Sales.....

Ok, so I had my first garage sale ever! If you have ever had a garage sale before you understand the incredible stress that word induces lol. I recently moved and needed a fresh start so I thought it would be good to downsize and get rid of a few things.....Well, let me tell you that ended up being alot more work then I had expected! This week has been one of the most busy weeks of my life! On top of work I was trying to get everything organized for the garage sale, sell my car, help with worship at my church ect.
Yes, stress to the most extreme. Do you ever over commit? Hmmmm, why do I stress myself so lol
This week though, God has showed himself to be my strength when I literally had none! He is so good! I was able to sell my car, make a profit on the things I sold and survive the week! Yes, overall it was a good week. Thank you Jesus:)

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