Friday, August 15, 2014

One story of many...

I would like to share Rtech's story. He is one of the many stories to be told. Rtech is one of the Ukrainian students attending the school here. He felt called to attend the Steiger mission school because he knows God has a call and purpose for his life far greater then he had anticipated. Rtech is a break dancer. He competes and performs nationally. He currently is ranked 16th in the world! He wants to use his dancing and musical giftings to reach youth for Christ. Just his being here at the school is a miracle in itself. As many of you know, Ukraine is at war and it is extremely hard for men to leave the country. If Rtech returns to his country he will be drafted. Young and old alike are being drafted. They are not being adequately provided for, not even given helmets or bullet proof vests! If Rtech returns to the Ukraine he faces most likely imminent death. We are trying to help not only Rtech but as well, we are trying to help the other Ukranian students get visas to stay out of Ukraine. We are hoping to get Rtech to the United States to do an internship with Steiger Ministries in Minneapolis. Please be in prayer with us as we try and help these students attain visas and new homes. This is a very difficult time for them as many of them are having to choose to say goodbye to family and friends for an unknown amount of time. These student's faith and passion for God amaze me! They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and need our prayers and support!

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