Saturday, October 23, 2010

One of those weeks....

Do you ever have a week that everything seems so disheartening and honestly down right sucks?!? Well that was my week:( Throughout the week, things progressively got more discouraging. I knew the right thing to do was seek the Lord and praise him despite how I was feeling. I began to seek him and praise him but He felt so distant? I kept pressing in and yet still did not feel his presence. I went into Friday knowing I was going to be leading worship that night. I was in no way ready to lead others into worship when I myself was not able to enter into worship! I battled it out with the Lord the whole way to church! I entered into worship striving to sing despite how I felt. As we worshiped, prophetic words were being given. One of the worship leaders turned to me and began to prophecy over me. Right then the presence of God came over me and I felt the depth of his concern and love for me! Even when it doesn't seem like God is there, and it seems like everything is falling apart, God has a way of breaking through all of the doubt, all of the hurt! Wow, we serve an awesome God!!

"I will praise you in the storm and I will lift my hands, for you are who are no matter where are am. And every tear I've cried you hold in your hand. You never let me go..."

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