Monday, October 4, 2010


This fall school year started a few weeks back. I always look forward to this time of year. I love all of the leaves changing, the crisp air, the anticipation of Christmas! I mean what is there not to like about fall?!?

This past week has been so exhausting, but so good. God even through difficult circumstances has granted me such peace. My brother Levi was diagnosed with Chron's disease two weeks ago and since has been in and out of the hospital very sick. It is so hard to see someone you love go through such pain. He has been so positive. It will be nice to figure out what all of this will entail for his future. Please keep him in your prayers!

In my business it has been hard for me to find time alone with the Lord, but I praise the Lord that He is so faithful even when we aren't! He has been teaching me to look to him through all of life's confusing circumstances. It's so easy to look at the things you are facing day to day and get overwhelmed with life's decisions. God keeps showing me though, if i keep my eyes fixed on him,all these other things will fall into place!!!

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