Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"It's not where you've been, it's where you're going. It's not who you were then, it's who you are in the moment"-Jimmy Wayne I don't know about you, but I am constantly battling lies that come upon me because of my past. Lies such as, "no one is ever going to want you if they know the things you have done in your past, you are ugly or invaluable now because of what was done to you in your past, or, you will never be able to walk in freedom because your past will always be attached to you." The other evening I went to a benefit concert where Jimmy Wayne shared his life story and sang. His story reminded me that no matter what our past has been, it's about where we are going. What choices are we making now to move on from our past and build a successful future? Maybe I was something or someone at one time but who am I in this moment? Truth is, since coming to Christ, I am not the same person I once was. Yes, I still have struggles and make mistakes but I am a new person! I have so much hope and joy that I never had before my encounter with Christ. I have been set free from previous lies and addictions and I can now walk in confidence that my life has purpose and value! I love hearing peoples life journey stories. I love hearing stories of resilience and overcoming what life can throw at a person. Please feel free to respond to this post and share your story to encourage others who are maybe in the process of overcoming their past!

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