Thursday, September 25, 2014

I am back in the United States! Even though I have been back for a couple of weeks now, I am still trying to process and adjust to life here in Minnesota. I think every time you step away into another culture there is always going to be a time of adjustment. I have come back with great expectation of what God is going to do next in my life. I have not returned to full-time teaching because I believe God has called me to a new season. I know teaching will always be apart of my life and I love children WAY too much to not be back in the classroom eventually, but God has other things He wants me to be focusing on at the moment. One of those things, is our non-profit organization United1Front, and the other is intercessory worship. I really felt burdened coming back to the United States that I need more time to be available to serve and pour into our organization. We have a number of opportunities coming up in which I need to be free for. Right now I am spending hours of time compiling research and materials to put into our curriculum which we will use in our training seminars. Please pray for me as I go about this process. It is tedious and somewhat complicated. The other area of ministry God has called me to is prayer and worship. I have always had a heart for worship and I would like to walk more in that calling.I have not had very much time to focus on that the last couple of years. I recently received an opportunity to help with Outpost ministries whose main focus is to intercede for victims of past abuse or addictions. This totally is in alignment with my heart. We desire to create an atmosphere where people can come and be in God's presence and receive prayer and healing. We will see how God continues to guide me! I recently received a prophecy and this lady gave me this verse from Psalm 2. She believes God has called me to the nations and my scope of ministry is going to be far greater then I could have ever anticipated! I would appreciate your prayers as I am striving to stay faithful in this season of preparation.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What is faith without works?

This summer I had so many opportunities to put my faith to action. Whether it was working with the children at the ministry school, loving the moms presented, sharing my faith and praying for people we met on outreach or helping with worship, one of my favorite experiences was working with my friend Anna in the red light district of Denmark. Anna began a ministry to the prostitutes by bringing church to them. Many of the women we worked with were primarily Nigerians who had a Christian background. Because of manipulation and naivety these women have been forced into the sex industry. In the evenings my friend along with other volunteers go and open a church from 12-4 am where the woman can come and be safe. Food is prepared for them, Nigerian worship music plays in the background, Bibles are free to be given and volunteers are waiting to talk or pray with the women. We had time to go out on the streets as well to make connections and build relationships. I was surprised at how open the women were and I was reminded of God's huge love for the broken. Once again, I was challenged to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus on my return to the United States. If you are looking for an outlet to give to this street ministry in Denmark, there is a huge need for more Bibles to give to the women. Feel free to contact me! What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:14-17