Sunday, June 29, 2014

Greetins from Germany! I am getting to do some really great things here in Germany but it also has been a humbling experience as well ( missionary preparation lol) cold showers... Lack of internet... No control of schedule, Ect. On weekends we do outreach in Dresden. We spend most of the day there walking the streets and hanging in the park building relationships. We then invite these people to a cafe which had been donated for our use. Yesterday was the first day we opened the cafe to customers. We got there early in the day and started decorating and setting up. We sold different food and drink items. My restaurant serving and managing experience came in very handy! It was quite interesting working and trying to organize everything with people who spoke all different languages! We had quite a good turnout. The cafe is on a very busy street and so the music really drew everyone in. We finished the time of music by inviting the people to a Bible study that we shared immediately after. Some people stayed around and listened. We are excited to see how God is going to use us! Children's ministry is going pretty well. It has been quite tiring since it feels like I am with kids all the time:) I am getting a chance to practice my Spanish a lot and I am going to start studying Portuguese! (They are many Brazilians at the school) I have been able to make some wonderful friends and God is really using this experience to stretch me. Thank you for all your prayers!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I arrived in Germany safe and sound! I was very surprised by how smoothly my trip went. I was somewhat nervous about my travels but all the details came together and I really had a great trip. The first week was very busy here for me as I was preparing for the school to start. I was also trying to get adjusted to the seven hour time difference. We have about fifty adult students here at the school. They are from all differnt places aroun the world. I am really enjoying the multi cultural experience! I have ten children in my program. They are really fun! I have two translators to help me. I'm hoping by the end of the summer I will know a little bit of Portuguese, German and Russian:) Somehow we are all able to communicate. On Saturdays we do out reaches in the near by city of Dresden. Steiger ministries has partnered with many local churches and there is a cafe downtown which we will use as a place to invite people to. Dresden is a city full of young people. It's very alive and active so we are hoping to use our music, dramas and sporting activities to draw people in to hear the gospel. Many of you have been praying for my health and I am really thankful for those prayers! The first week was somewhat difficult with my diet but I have been able to find some great organic stores and I have most things that i would typically use in the States here. I have very limited internet access so I will try and post when I can! Last week I went to Poland for the first time and I was asked to drive because I am one of the few who know how to drive manual lol. It was quite an adventure! This week I will be going to Prague for a bit and the following week to Paris. Thank you again for all your prayers! God is really moving here and I am so thankful I am able to be apart of all of this!