Saturday, October 1, 2011

I got a kitty!

Since I have gotten to Mexico City I have wanted to get a kitty:) I have an apartment to myself and I thought it would be nice to have some company. I was not sure where I was going to get this kitty so I figured it would be quite some time before I got one.

About a week ago I was walking home and I saw a young boy sitting outside what was called a "veterinary clinic". He was holding a small kitten. I could not resist! I had to stop and pet the kitten.
The boy went on to show me six more kittens which were all kept in a very small box. I am not a very impulsive person but at that moment when I saw all the kittens I decided I was going to take one home with me!

The boy told me the kittens were free so I could choose which ever one I preferred. How do you choose? It was quite a process but finally I chose a light gray kitten with hazel eyes. The boy put the kitten in a small box and I carried her home.

I got home and it hit me what I had done! I had nothing to take care of a cat! How do you take care of cat? Well, I knew one things for sure, this cat needed a bath! After two baths she finally smelt ok. I gave her some milk and tuna and made a small litter box for her.

She is such smart cat! She consistently goes in the litter box. She loves to cuddle and purrs like crazy! I have decided to name her Stash.

Never expected to get a cat that day. What a fun surprise:)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So far...

Well I have settled in and I am getting more comfortable in my new life:) God continually proves His care for me and how He delights even in the details of my life. I have a beautiful apartment not far from my school. I walk most days to school and from school. It is about a twenty-five minute walk almost all uphill! The weather here is so interesting. It is very cool in the mornings and evenings but yet humid. I bundle up on the way to school but by the time I get to school I am sweating! Needless to say, I have been somewhat sick since my body is trying to adjust to the weather change.

I love the school where I teach. It is a great school! I definitely have my work cut out for me though. I have never felt so inadequate for a job! It constantly reminds me though of my dependence on the Lord for daily strength and energy! The school has a very demanding program and there is much work for the teachers.

I found a church here in Mexico City not far from my house! The service is in both English and Spanish! The pastor is originally from the States. I am going to be apart of the worship team and eventually I would like to help out in the children's ministries. I have met some wonderful people through my church! God is good:)

I recently started volunteering at "the well". This is a home for girls who have been brought out of sex trafficking. I am very exited for this opportunity to be with these girls! I mostly spend time with them by going to the parks and teaching them sports. They love the activities and the attention. Please pray that God will use me to pour out His love into their brokeness.

I will try and post pictures soon of my apartment and the school. I appreciate your prayers as there are many difficult days still ahead of me as I adjust to this new life.

Love you!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mexico City!!

On Monday I arrived in Mexico City. Praise the Lord my travels went well. I was picked up by a worker from the school that I will be teaching at. He spoke no English so right away my Spanish was put to the test! It was quite an experience getting through the airport and then finally through the city. Mexico City is huge and there are so many people!! It was somewhat of an overwhelming experience. Octavio took me to my apartment for me to see what things I might need to buy. As of last friday I had not had an apartment lined up but praise the Lord an apartment was found for me! It is a beautiful, two bedroom apartment only a few blocks from my school.(I will post pictures on fb for all of you to see)
The past few days I have been trying to figure out transportation, where to shop, lesson planning ect. I have gotten to tour around the city a little bit and I am loving it here! It is going to take me awhile to adjust to the way of life down here and it is somewhat intimidating at times but I know with time I will adjust just fine!
As of right now I do not have internet but hopefully I will figure that out soon! I will try and stay in touch with you all as best as I can:)
Lot's of love <3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wrapping the year up...

I finished off my first year as a preschool teacher a few weeks back. What a growing year for me! I went into this past year completely confident that I could handle a classroom of four and five year olds and...well let's just say, they gave me a run for my money! So many nights of feeling completely exhausted with no more ability to add emotion or enthusiasm to anything I did. Working with preschoolers is quite demanding! I admire those who persevere year after year. I will definitely miss all of my students. I fell in love with each and every one of them. Somehow, someway, even the most difficult of my students managed to steal a piece of my heart:)

I will not be returning to North Heights next year. God has actually called me on to a new position. I will be moving to Mexico City in the fall. I am thrilled for this next phase of my life to begin! I did not think I would be able to return to Mexico this soon. My plan was to work at North Heights a couple more years, save money, pay off student debt, ect. When I was asked to sign for next year, something in me couldn't. I spent a few months praying about it and God told me it was time for me to go back to Mexico! The past few months I have been seeking where God would have me. In the most amazing way, God has opened up the door for me to teach at a bilingual preschool. It is a beautiful school and has potential of turning into an elementary school. I am exited to think that I might be a part of growing and developing Sunrise HIlls.
This is going to a big transition for me since I am still learning the language and I will not know anyone where I am going. I am looking forward to being in one of the largest cities in the world and being immersed in the hispanic culture. Once I get down there I will keep my blog updated with pictures and info!!

Where I will be teaching:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My job:)

There are so many reasons why I love my job. Just to name a few: I love the funny remarks that are made on a regular basis. I love the rewarding feeling that comes after working on something with a student day after day and then they FINALLY get it. I love the constant hugs and kisses and creative artwork I receive. I mean really, who could have a better job?

Last week we were able to spend alot of time talking about Easter. Many of the kids had never dyed eggs before so that was so fun being the first person to do it with them. We made Easter baskets and filled them with goodies. The kids were so excited to show their parents what they had made. This activity definitely affirmed in their minds that Miss Deiss was pretty much the best teacher in the world as one of my students is always telling me:)

The other day God must of thought I needed a laugh. The things that kept coming out of my kids mouth were hilarious! Just to share a few:

>"Something smells really good", Paige said. " Oh it's Ari, she wears shampoo", Keira replies.
> Teacher you have two friends? I can't believe it!
> Teacher, why does Addison have a crack in her butt? (as Addison is bending over and her pants sag, I just laughed and could not reply!)
> Teacher when I grow up I want an earring in my nose just like yours, but don't tell my parents..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My calling. My passion!

Today I was reminded of what my calling and deepest desire in life is. Through time this has evolved as I have matured and as God has revealed more of His plan for my life. This calling consumes my heart and overwhelms me with such joy and passion. I cannot imagine doing anything so rewarding and exciting!

God has clearly shown me that I am called to, with others, raise up a generation who takes ahold of Christ in a way that is so real and so strong that the Christ in them will change the world around them. He is calling me to train and equip children for this very purpose.

God is calling for a generation of people who are after His heart. He is searching for true sons and daughters. We are in a time when doctrine, works, words are not going to get us by. The world will not stop for the things stated above. What the world is looking for and what God is showing those who are after His heart is, a true love driven, love changed relationship with a personal God will bring in the searching and longing.

This morning I had the privilege of leading my students and a few other classes in a time of worship. As we began to worship the presence of God became so strong! All of the teachers noticed and as we looked around the room the children were singing with such passion and sincerity. God was present and He was showing us that He was pleased and overcome by the sincerety of our praise.

In the short period of time God showed me that He inhabits the praise of his people. He is looking for His true worshipers. I want more then anything to be a true worshiper in spirit and in truth. And out of this passion I want to help raise a generation of worshippers who will bring honor and praise and glory to our Savior!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tears and Joy

Last week was going great. I experienced God's presence throughout my week in such amazing ways. I was filled to overflowing with His love and joy. Then it happened, I woke up friday morning filled with such sadness and hurt. Those feeling overwhelmed me throughout the remainder of that day and well into the night. Past memories flooded back into my mind. Fear overwhelmed me and crippled my spirit. Why all of sudden this experience?

We have a choice in our Christian walk to have joy, to have peace. It is not something that is depicted by our circumstances or how we may feel on any given day. God has been showing me that it is a choice no matter how we may be feeling or how circumstances in our lives may look, we can have joy and peace. I have been learning to praise God even when I don't feel like it. As I begin praising Him,my fears being to disappear. My heart becomes filled with love. We are in a daily spiritual battle. The enemy wants to rob us of our joy. He knows that when our joy is taken from us we will no longer desire to praise our Savior. When we stop praising our Savior, we no longer are fulfilling what God has designed us to do.

I praise the Lord that in the most difficult times God is teaching me how to praise Him and how to find joy in some of the most difficult of circumstances!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Living in Fear

"Regret of the past and dread of the future are both thieves of joy." Wow, I read this statement and realized that probably eighty percent of my life I have lived in either regret of the past of dread of the future. So often I look back and I am so saddened by past mistakes, past circumstances and I allow my past to come and rob me of my present joy. As I look to the future I begin to dread that in my future I might repeat the past. I feel this is so easy for many of us to do. I believe this is one of the enemies ways of hindering all the blessings that God intends for us for our future!

I know that this has been such a struggle for me especially recently. I have begun to identify the fear I have allowed myself to walk in for so long. Jesus you have overcome my past. You have cleansed me of all of my sins. You have made me a whole person again and you love me more then to let me stay in lies of the past. I praise you for all that the future holds. By your grace and mercy I will not repeat the past. What a beautiful future lies ahead. Teach me to walk in your joy which overcomes all fear of the past and future!