Friday, December 31, 2010

Psalm 62

Who am I placing my expectation in? What am I placing my hope in? What do I look to for fulfillment? All of these questions hit me this morning as I read in my devotions Psalm 62:5, "My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him!"

This passage says, "wait only on God". So often in my life I find my self waiting on the next relationship, the next paycheck, the next event to attend...(let's be honest, we all do it)
God had to gently remind me today that I am to wait only upon Him. He will never disappoint me, He will never arrive late or fail my expectations.

Thank you Lord for this reminder. In you alone I place my expectation. I wait on you alone. You alone satisfy and bring fulfillment to this life!

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