Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip Down South

My mom, Rebekah and I took a trip down to Texas. We all needed to get away and enjoy ourselves. We met up with my dear friend Julie. It was so nice to see you girlfriend! We flew into San Antonio. I had never been there. We spent an evening on the Riverwalk. It's absolutely beautiful! So romantic at night. We saw the Alamo. We enjoyed Six Flags despite the chilly weather:) I had always heard about the fun things in San Antonio so it was great to experience them.

Next we headed to Padre Island. It had been two years since I had been there last. Padre has such beautiful beaches. It was so nice to relax in the sun. We rented a Jet ski one day. It was quite an experience. We each had fun driving it in the ocean. It was Rebekah's first time ever driving one....oh man praise the Lord we survived!! lol

Now off to Mexico! We spend a few days at the orphanage. I was so excited to see all of the kids. I missed Mexico so much. We spent alot of time playing with the kids and helping Ray and Leah with Misc. things. We spent an evening with Flor and her family. She made us so much yummy food. Uriel told me I could come live with them! Someday............

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