Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's time to catch up!

It has been quite some time since I have updated my blog...Life gets away from you sometimes! I am going to attempt to summarize the last two years of my life in a short post to get everyone up to speed with where I am at:) I wrapped up my time in Mexico City and headed back to Minnesota not sure exactly what was next. I had no job lined up, no agenda, just knew I was suppose to be back in Minnesota. My time in Mexico City was amazing, hard and life changing. I met so many wonderful people and I was able to have some crazy experiences! In short what I did in Mexico City was teach at a private school helping them develop an English program. In my free time I attended UNAM for language school and I also volunteered at a home for girls being rescued out of trafficking. God used these different experiences to prepare my heart for what was next. When I came back to Minnesota I partnered with my sister to begin a non profit to bring awareness about sex trafficking in the United States. It has been quite a journey this last year learning what it takes to start and run a non profit. There have been many highs and lows on this journey! Here is our website if you would like to see what we are up to: www.united1front.org I am wrapping up the school year and preparing to head to Germany for the summer! I will be working with Steiger Ministries. I am very excited for this next experience. It's crazy the journey God is taking me on. It by far has not been boring! Sometimes it is hard to understand the plans of God but I have come to learn to trust and follow His leading. He is a faithful and good God. I will begin to update this blog more periodically about my travels and opportunities in Germany. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts!