Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Josh is home!!

I am so excited that Joshua is finally home! Unfortunately, I am not there to enjoy him, but it is so nice just to know he is finally back and safe. Joshua was gone for about a year overseas with the military.
It was really hard for me to say goodbye to him when he left because I did not know the next time I would see him. I knew I was probably going to be moving down to Mexico long term and I was unsure the next time our paths would cross. Josh is one of my best friends and throughout the years he has been one of the greatest sources of encouragement and inspiration to me.
I am so thankful for technology. Skype was a saving factor this past year. I was thankful for the hours of conversation I was still able to have with my brother. Even though were thousands of miles apart we were still able to stay in touch quite regularly and encourage each other on in what we were pursuing.
This year went by so quickly! I cannot believe he is home. I have seen Josh grow so much this past year. I know life was not always easy overseas and at times it was difficult being away from family but I know God did some awesome things through him and in him. Josh I'm so glad you're home. Proud of you and of all you have accomplished!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today as I was doing my devotions I was listening to a song by desperation called Treasure. These lines from the song jumped out at me:
"I would run for a thousand years
If I knew every step would be getting me closer
I'd swim to the ocean floor
For my Lord is the treasure
My Lord is the treasure "

Why did these lyrics stand out? Let me explain...

Many of you probably haven't realized how difficult these past few months have been for me. Life has been insanely busy and I have not been able to send out updates as I would have liked. I will give you a glimpse of my schedule these past few months. Monday-Friday, leave my home at seven, teach eight to three. Leave school and head to language school from four to seven, catch a bus and hopefully be home by eight thirty. Weekends were spent planning lessons, studying the language, helping at church, ect.
I am the type of person who likes to keep myself busy but I have realized being busy in a foreign country is a little different then being busy in the United States where everything is familiar. It was not so much the crazy schedule that got to me but the fact that everything was so new and everyday I left my house it took all my energy to push through the demands of being in a new country. Needless to say, these past few months have probably been one of the biggest challenges I have ever taken on.

So back to the lyrics. Treasure, what is my treasure? What do I value? What drives me to do what I do? Today I was once again reminded of why I am back here in Mexico. I believe it is very easy no matter what we are doing in our live to loose focus and get discouraged. Maybe we feel that what we are doing is not making a difference, maybe we are not seeing the results we thought we should have been seeing, or maybe the task at hand seems overwhelmingly difficult?
I have felt all the above. I am having to put these feelings in check and remember what is driving me: I will do crazy things, difficult things as long as I know it's bringing me closer to you God, because God you are my treasure you are the one I am running after. Everything I am going through is bringing me closer to you.