Saturday, October 1, 2011

I got a kitty!

Since I have gotten to Mexico City I have wanted to get a kitty:) I have an apartment to myself and I thought it would be nice to have some company. I was not sure where I was going to get this kitty so I figured it would be quite some time before I got one.

About a week ago I was walking home and I saw a young boy sitting outside what was called a "veterinary clinic". He was holding a small kitten. I could not resist! I had to stop and pet the kitten.
The boy went on to show me six more kittens which were all kept in a very small box. I am not a very impulsive person but at that moment when I saw all the kittens I decided I was going to take one home with me!

The boy told me the kittens were free so I could choose which ever one I preferred. How do you choose? It was quite a process but finally I chose a light gray kitten with hazel eyes. The boy put the kitten in a small box and I carried her home.

I got home and it hit me what I had done! I had nothing to take care of a cat! How do you take care of cat? Well, I knew one things for sure, this cat needed a bath! After two baths she finally smelt ok. I gave her some milk and tuna and made a small litter box for her.

She is such smart cat! She consistently goes in the litter box. She loves to cuddle and purrs like crazy! I have decided to name her Stash.

Never expected to get a cat that day. What a fun surprise:)