Thursday, September 8, 2011

So far...

Well I have settled in and I am getting more comfortable in my new life:) God continually proves His care for me and how He delights even in the details of my life. I have a beautiful apartment not far from my school. I walk most days to school and from school. It is about a twenty-five minute walk almost all uphill! The weather here is so interesting. It is very cool in the mornings and evenings but yet humid. I bundle up on the way to school but by the time I get to school I am sweating! Needless to say, I have been somewhat sick since my body is trying to adjust to the weather change.

I love the school where I teach. It is a great school! I definitely have my work cut out for me though. I have never felt so inadequate for a job! It constantly reminds me though of my dependence on the Lord for daily strength and energy! The school has a very demanding program and there is much work for the teachers.

I found a church here in Mexico City not far from my house! The service is in both English and Spanish! The pastor is originally from the States. I am going to be apart of the worship team and eventually I would like to help out in the children's ministries. I have met some wonderful people through my church! God is good:)

I recently started volunteering at "the well". This is a home for girls who have been brought out of sex trafficking. I am very exited for this opportunity to be with these girls! I mostly spend time with them by going to the parks and teaching them sports. They love the activities and the attention. Please pray that God will use me to pour out His love into their brokeness.

I will try and post pictures soon of my apartment and the school. I appreciate your prayers as there are many difficult days still ahead of me as I adjust to this new life.

Love you!!!