Friday, August 19, 2011

Mexico City!!

On Monday I arrived in Mexico City. Praise the Lord my travels went well. I was picked up by a worker from the school that I will be teaching at. He spoke no English so right away my Spanish was put to the test! It was quite an experience getting through the airport and then finally through the city. Mexico City is huge and there are so many people!! It was somewhat of an overwhelming experience. Octavio took me to my apartment for me to see what things I might need to buy. As of last friday I had not had an apartment lined up but praise the Lord an apartment was found for me! It is a beautiful, two bedroom apartment only a few blocks from my school.(I will post pictures on fb for all of you to see)
The past few days I have been trying to figure out transportation, where to shop, lesson planning ect. I have gotten to tour around the city a little bit and I am loving it here! It is going to take me awhile to adjust to the way of life down here and it is somewhat intimidating at times but I know with time I will adjust just fine!
As of right now I do not have internet but hopefully I will figure that out soon! I will try and stay in touch with you all as best as I can:)
Lot's of love <3