Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My job:)

There are so many reasons why I love my job. Just to name a few: I love the funny remarks that are made on a regular basis. I love the rewarding feeling that comes after working on something with a student day after day and then they FINALLY get it. I love the constant hugs and kisses and creative artwork I receive. I mean really, who could have a better job?

Last week we were able to spend alot of time talking about Easter. Many of the kids had never dyed eggs before so that was so fun being the first person to do it with them. We made Easter baskets and filled them with goodies. The kids were so excited to show their parents what they had made. This activity definitely affirmed in their minds that Miss Deiss was pretty much the best teacher in the world as one of my students is always telling me:)

The other day God must of thought I needed a laugh. The things that kept coming out of my kids mouth were hilarious! Just to share a few:

>"Something smells really good", Paige said. " Oh it's Ari, she wears shampoo", Keira replies.
> Teacher you have two friends? I can't believe it!
> Teacher, why does Addison have a crack in her butt? (as Addison is bending over and her pants sag, I just laughed and could not reply!)
> Teacher when I grow up I want an earring in my nose just like yours, but don't tell my parents..