Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tears and Joy

Last week was going great. I experienced God's presence throughout my week in such amazing ways. I was filled to overflowing with His love and joy. Then it happened, I woke up friday morning filled with such sadness and hurt. Those feeling overwhelmed me throughout the remainder of that day and well into the night. Past memories flooded back into my mind. Fear overwhelmed me and crippled my spirit. Why all of sudden this experience?

We have a choice in our Christian walk to have joy, to have peace. It is not something that is depicted by our circumstances or how we may feel on any given day. God has been showing me that it is a choice no matter how we may be feeling or how circumstances in our lives may look, we can have joy and peace. I have been learning to praise God even when I don't feel like it. As I begin praising Him,my fears being to disappear. My heart becomes filled with love. We are in a daily spiritual battle. The enemy wants to rob us of our joy. He knows that when our joy is taken from us we will no longer desire to praise our Savior. When we stop praising our Savior, we no longer are fulfilling what God has designed us to do.

I praise the Lord that in the most difficult times God is teaching me how to praise Him and how to find joy in some of the most difficult of circumstances!