Saturday, January 22, 2011

Living in Fear

"Regret of the past and dread of the future are both thieves of joy." Wow, I read this statement and realized that probably eighty percent of my life I have lived in either regret of the past of dread of the future. So often I look back and I am so saddened by past mistakes, past circumstances and I allow my past to come and rob me of my present joy. As I look to the future I begin to dread that in my future I might repeat the past. I feel this is so easy for many of us to do. I believe this is one of the enemies ways of hindering all the blessings that God intends for us for our future!

I know that this has been such a struggle for me especially recently. I have begun to identify the fear I have allowed myself to walk in for so long. Jesus you have overcome my past. You have cleansed me of all of my sins. You have made me a whole person again and you love me more then to let me stay in lies of the past. I praise you for all that the future holds. By your grace and mercy I will not repeat the past. What a beautiful future lies ahead. Teach me to walk in your joy which overcomes all fear of the past and future!