Thursday, July 1, 2010


This summer is going by so fast! I can't believe it's almost July.....Wow Fourth of July is right around the corner. After work last night I decided to stop by the River downtown(it's right on my way back home)and go running. It was the most beautiful night ever and I was in the mood for a good run. I never go running there anymore because of past memories.....but yes I decided to give it a go. It was such a refreshing run. As I was coming down the hennepin bridge stairs I passed a girl and she looked at me and I looked at her and we both stopped. We knew we knew each other somehow, but how? It was quite funny! Then we remembered we went to elementary school together. It was so crazy how God brought us together. God loves to amaze me and show me that he is in ultimate control of all things. He loves to surprise us, every person we run into, every thing that happens when we aren't even looking for it, happens because there is something bigger at work then ourselves!